If you do any kind of research towards finding a web hosting service for your website, one of the first things you will realise is that there are dozens of web hosting companies. Whilst having a choice is better than having none at all, it is not without its problems. The major problem is paring down the multiple options and choosing a single web hosting service that is going to be reliable.
Some might ask what difference it makes when choosing a web hosting company and our answer to that would be that it makes a huge defence. Unreliable web hosting not only compromises your website’s performance, but it can also seriously damage your ranking on Google too. In case you need more convincing here are 10 benefits of choosing a tried and trusted web host, rather than one at random.
Multiple Hosting Plan Options: The better a web host is the more likely it is that they will offer a range of hosting plans and options rather than just one or two. This means you will have access to advanced hosting plans that include cloud hosting or a dedicated server, for example.
Faster Website Load Times: Fast load times are essential for enhancing the experience of those who visit your website, and it is also a factor in them not clicking away immediately. Load time also impacts rankings on Google as they penalise websites that load slowly.
Less Downtime: There is little point in having an awesome website if someone tries to visit it and gets an error message because the site is down. Reliable web hosts have the absolute minimum of downtime with uptime percentages around 99.99%.
Unlimited Bandwidth: With unlimited bandwidth, you will have no concerns about your website going offline should you have a spike in traffic which often happens when a business runs a promotion, or its Google rankings increase significantly.
Unlimited Storage Space: If your website is going to consist of larger files such as graphics and video, then having unlimited disc space means they can all be stored. This is also important if you have plans to significantly expand the size and functionality of your website.
Increased Levels Of Security: With data protection being an ever-increasing concern online, knowing that your web files and any data submitted to that website are extremely secure will reassure you, and more importantly, reassure your website’s visitors.
Increased Functionality Options: Every business’s website needs are different, and this is why those web hosts which provide a significant range of additional functions and applications as part of their hosting packages, give website owners a huge advantage.
Website And Data Backups: Some web hosts back up their data every month, which is fine, but the very best hosting services back up data daily and some even do it several times a day. This ensures that there is no chance of you ever ‘losing’ your website and its data.
Improved Website Data: Being able to assess your website’s data allows you to make adjustments and improvements and this is why those web hosts with the most compresence website performance data are preferable to those that offer little or none.
Effective Support When You Need It: Finally, we have what we consider the most important aspect of a web hosting service and that is the support they offer its customers. The best web hosting companies provide superb technical and customer service which is why they are so popular.