Being able to carry out SEO research is vital if you are trying to rank your own website higher, or are an SEO expert working on behalf of clients according to SEO experts. Having as much relevant information as possible will allow you to make more accurate assessments of the actions you need to take, especially in relation to keywords, authority backlinks and the competition. Here are five of the most popular SEO tools in use today.
#1 SEMrush: SEMrush is one of the most popular tools in the search engine optimisation arena, and most SEO experts have it as part of their research toolbox. It provides in-depth information and data on several parameters which include keywords research, organic rankings, video advertising, backlinks and paid advertising such as PPC and PPV.
SEMrush’s research results can be presented in many ways, including data tables, reports and graphs which are particularly useful when you need to present your findings to colleagues or clients.